The Security Database on the Server Does Not Have a Computer Account for This Workstation Trust Relationship – Domain

“The Security Database on the Server Does Not Have a Computer Account for This Workstation Trust Relationship” – On Widnows Domain

This error has presented itself on a few rare occasions on our customer’s domain network machines.

We recently discovered a quick an easy fix for the error as the fix provided by Microsoft in their knowledge base articles is inadequate.

It can be caused by several things, but for our customers it was the Active Directory entries for the PC either becoming corrupt or the PC brought onto the network had the old domain credentials.

The fix is done and applicable for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 (32bit & 64bit)

  1. On the log on screen on the affected PC, no domain credentials will log you in, you must use a local account to log onto the machine
  2. If you do not know the local admin credentials, unplug the Ethernet cable from the PC or turn of the Wi-Fi signal and log in with the domain credentials
  3. Right click on the computer icon, go to properties
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and under “Computer name, domain and workgroup settings”. Click [Change setting]
  5. Remove the PC from the current domain onto a workgroup (WORGROUP eg.)
  6. Restart the machine
  7. Use the local admin credentials to log on
  8. Repeat steps 3 & 4
  9. This time, join the domain and insert the domain admin credentials
  10. To be extra cautious, we also rename the PC Name, just in case the Operational Unit on the Active Directory server is corrupt.
  11. Reboot the machine
  12. Log onto the domain normally.