Business Voip System

Are you tired of spending a fortune on your business telecommunications bills every month? Well, A & S Tech has some exciting news to share with you! We’ve recently upgraded a number of our customers phone systems to a cloud-based business VoIP system, and the results have been amazing. For most clients we have managed to be able to cut their telecommunications costs significantly, one customer has saved $856 a month. That’s 51,360 over the 60 months since they made the switch.

The best part is, we’re not sacrificing any features or functionality. In fact, the customers have gained a ton of new features that are perfect for small businesses like yours. For example, customers now have access to a mobile app that lets them make and receive calls on their cell phones, even when we’re away from the office.

Plus, with a cloud-based system, customers no longer have to worry about maintaining expensive hardware or dealing with complicated installations. It’s all taken care of for us, which frees up more time to focus on growing our business. If you haven’t reviewed your telecom costs recently, now is the perfect time to do so. With the economy getting tighter, every penny counts. A cloud-based business VoIP system could be the cost-saving solution you’ve been looking for.

Phone Savings

Common Areas Small businesses overspend on Telco costs

  • Outdated Fiber plans (out of contract nearing end)
  • Old ISDN hunt groups or old payg voip plans
  • Out of contract phone finance leases that have expired but customer is still paying for
  • OLD mobile phone plans
  • Incorrect or outdated internet connections

Below is 6 local customers in different verticals, and how much money they have saved since having their Telco costs audited. So, what are you waiting for? If you have not looked at your telecommunication costs in more then 18 months there most likely significant saving to be had.

Phone Saving